Our mission
The Alexandria Reds are an affordable, community-based travel program that offers players from a variety of local leagues an opportunity for higher-level athletic and baseball skill development. Youth Baseball and Softball should be accessible to every family, and we strive to keep costs low. We are committed to player development by providing foundational training, positive coaching and physical and mental enrichment.
Our History
Founded in 2016, the Alexandria Reds are an affordable, community-based travel program that offers players from a variety of local leagues an opportunity for higher-level athletic and baseball skill development. Youth Baseball and Softball should be accessible to every family, and we strive to keep costs low. We are committed to player development by providing foundational training, positive coaching and physical and mental enrichment.
Our Wow Factor Nation Virginia program (15U-18U) provides an environment that enhances the growth, development, and exposure opportunities for high school baseball players. The goal of our high school program is to create a path for successful high school, college, or professional careers.
Alexandria Reds Philosophy
- Build a positive environment for players and families. Help athletes love the game.
- Develop transferable skills as players grow and move from youth-fields to adult-sized fields and from lower levels of competition to higher.
- Build character and loyalty.
- Develop winning and successful attitudes. Make your own definition of winning/success and motivate with vision, not fear. Strive for continuous improvement, not perfection.
- Develop mental toughness. Teach players to deal with the tough aspects of life/competition. Teach poise under pressure and stay focused in tough times. Push forward when things get uncomfortable.
- Develop standards and goals: Life, School, and Athletics. All 3 should co-exist.
- Understand the results: How did I get here? Make the best of the circumstance, and be thankful.
- Understand there are different expectations because we are developing higher-level athletes. We expect our players to arrive mentally and physically ready to practice or play.

The Reds Way
R - Relentless
E - Everyday
D - Determined to
S - Succeed
Master the 15 seconds. There are 15 seconds between each pitch. We want our players to learn how to win or be mentally prepared for every pitch.
Team Tenets
P: Preparation. Preparation before the game, before each play and before each pitch. You can only perform as well as your preparation has you in a position to.
A: Attitude. Always show respect to your coaches, teammates, officials and opponents. Baseball is a game filled with emotion, challenging circumstances, individual accomplishments, failures and judgment decisions. We will respect the effort and intention of all involved by being positive and understanding that not all decisions go our way but must be respected regardless of the outcome.
C: Concentration. The pursuit of excellence can only be achieved through concentration, even when things get tough.
E: Effort. When on the practice or game field, respect the game, respect your coaches, respect your teammates and respect your uniform by going as hard as you can every pitch, every play, every inning of every game.
These principals are all controllables. They have nothing to do with skill, talent or knowledge, but are choices one can choose if he/she wants to succeed.
Volunteerism is expected in the Reds organization as we are mostly a volunteer-run organization.
Leave it better than you found it. Clean the dugouts, empty the trash cans after games, rake the field and reset bases/mounds to LL distances. If you see broken or missing equipment or supply issues, report it!